How to get in touch

Phone: 01302 867888

In person: 3Keys Property, Unit D, Anson Grove, Auckley, DN9 3QN

Opening hours

Our office opening hours are Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm & Saturdays 9:00 am – 12:00 noon.


Evening and weekend viewing and valuation appointments are available up to 7pm every day.

Out-of-hours & emergencies

For our managed rental properties; in the event of an emergency (which involves the fire, police or ambulance) please call the office on 01302 867888 (this will divert to a mobile), leave a message and a team member will call you back.

If the divert fails for any reason, our out-of-hours mobile number is 07717 302838 – we must stress this is for emergencies only.

Messages regarding any other matter will be dealt with on return to work the next business day.

Send us a message